Cosmetic Dentistry
in Sterling, VA
Many patients in Sterling, VA, want to enhance the appearance of their smiles. Luckily, Cin Dental can improve the appearance of your smile with cosmetic dentistry.
Many patients in Sterling, VA, want to enhance the appearance of their smiles. Luckily, Cin Dental can improve the appearance of your smile with cosmetic dentistry.
Cosmetic dentistry is a form of dentistry that works to enhance the appearance of a smile. At Cin Dental, we offer several cosmetic dental procedures to improve the appearance of your smile. We can enlarge, straighten, and whiten your smile at our office.
One of our more popular cosmetic dental procedures is dental veneers. Dental veneers are often called shells that fit outside the tooth. A dental veneer can be any shape, size, and shade. Many patients use multiple dental veneers in a row to make their smiles appear straighter and larger. Additionally, patients can use dental veneers to whiten their smiles by choosing a lighter shade of dental veneer. Most dental veneers are made of porcelain, a stain-resistant and durable material.
Many patients visit our office wanting to whiten the appearance of their smile. At Cin Dental, we do not recommend patients use over-the-counter teeth whitening solutions. Professional teeth whitening from a dentist is more efficient and effective.
Professional teeth whitening promotes more oral health than over-the-counter whitening solutions. We recommend professional teeth whitening because we use strong teeth whitening bleach that quickly results.
Additionally, we create custom teeth whitening trays that help the whitening solution reach every crevice in your smile. Custom trays will eliminate patches of your teeth that are not bleached by over-the-counter solutions. Lastly, professional teeth whitening is overseen by a dentist, ensuring that the whitening solution does not cause damage to your teeth or gums.
If you want to change the appearance of a few teeth, one solution is dental bonding. With dental bonding, your dentist will place a composite resin material on your tooth and mold it to produce an appearance you love. Composite resin is often called a tooth-colored filling because it is the same color as your natural tooth.
Many patients with one or more missing teeth use dental implants as a restorative and cosmetic procedure. Dental implants replace the entire tooth from its root to its top. A dental implant’s root is made of titanium metal, allowing the bone to mold and accept the implant. A dental implant can support three different attachments: dental crowns, dental bridges, and dentures.
Dental crowns are another dental procedure used as a treatment or a cosmetic dental procedure. A dental crown, often called a dental cap, fits over the top of the tooth and is bonded in place. If you have a cracked or misshapen tooth, your dentist can repair your smile with a dental crown. The crown can make your smile appear straighter. Dental crowns can also enlarge smaller teeth.
Another cosmetic procedure is enamel shaping. The enamel is the outer portion of your tooth, which protects your tooth from dental decay and damage. We use enamel shaping independently or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. If your teeth are uneven or overcrowded, enamel shaping can be used to flatten your teeth. Additionally, procedures such as whitening, dental bonding, or dental veneers may use enamel shaping to prepare the tooth.
Cosmetic dentistry can be used to enhance the appearance of your smile. At Cin Dental, we offer several different cosmetic services for you and your family. If you would like a whiter, more significant, or straighter smile, cosmetic dentistry can help you. For more information about cosmetic dentistry or to schedule an appointment, call our office today.
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